Recent Articles


The Quiet Heroism of ‘Right Living’

Contributing editor MICHAEL SIGMAN reflects on the recent fall of 'self-appointed heroes' and the virtues of 'quietly going about one's business.'
by David McGee


Alicia Olatuja: Inauguration Day Heat

Unheralded in a lineup of superstars, ALICIA OLATUJA became the big news of the 2013 Presidential Inauguration ceermonies with her rousing solo on 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' while singing with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. ...
by David McGee



Ready for the Long Haul

J.D. Crowe has retired, but his last incarnation of the New South soldiers on, quite impressively, as American Drive. The quartet's self-titled debut album shows it to be ready for the long haul.
by David McGee


Of Dark Hearts and Lethal Consequences

The Earl Brothers are back with their dark-hearted bluegrass--like no other bluegrass known to humankind--on Outlaw Hillbilly. Our Album of the Week selection chronicles the Bay Area band's continuing crafting of one of the mos...
by David McGee



Whither Passionate Kisses?

Boston-based Juliet and the Lonesome Romeos make a favorable impression on their debut album, No Regrets, by serving up pop-country with a bite. The long player shows Juliet Simmons Dinallo to be a songwriter with immense promi...
by David McGee


Between Rock and a Traditional Place

Lisa Matassa's impressive EP Somebody's Baby is not for country traditionalist, but fans of contemporary arena-style mainstream country will find much to admire in the rock-fueled anthems, but there is evidence here of a sensit...
by David McGee



Choogling On

Sagacious, well-traveled harp master Pierre Lacocque and his Chicago-based Mississippi Heat blues band offer Delta Bound, a thoroughly delightful hour of blues in various colors.
by David McGee


Gutless Vandals Desecrate Tommy Johnson’s Grave; Eddie C. Campbell Benefit Set

Gutless vandals desecrate Delta blues giant TOMMY JOHNSON's grave; benefit set for Chicago blues guitar great EDDIE C. CAMPBELL, who suffered a heart attack and stroke while on tour.
by David McGee



Then Came The Reign

Though nominally a bluegrass group, Mobile, Alabama's DELTA REIGN brings folk, blues and western swing styles to bear on its music, originals and covers alike,on Calm Before the Storm, our new Album of the Week.
by David McGee


All In a Day’s Blues

An alum of the late, great Calvin Owens's Blues Orchestra, guitarist CHARLES 'CD' DAVIS has a winner in his solo debut, 24 HOUR BLUES, featuring some Orchestra vets and four outstanding vocalists playing up a blues storm.
by David McGee