
A Civil Rights Movement leader and powerful gospel singer, FANNIE LOU HAMER'S authenticity comes through most clearly on SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME.
by David McGee


‘She Proves to Me That Every Life is a Gift’: The Zen of Dillie the Deer

Born blind, rejected by her mother, Dillie the Deer has found a home with veterinarian Dr. Melanie Butera and her husband. Inside their home. In her own bedroom. And on her own webcam. DUNCAN STRAUSS explains it all.
by David McGee



My Summer Romance: Laughter, Tears & Tenderness

MY SUMMER ROMANCE: LAUGHTER, TEARS & TENDERNESS in three stories and a poem about summer loves. Music by MEL CARTER, SPANKY & OUR GANG, et al.
by David McGee


The Kid (1921)

Marking the 125th anniversary of CHARLIE CHAPLIN's birth, Deep Roots Theater presents his 1921 masterpiece, THE KID, starring Chaplin as the Tramp and 7-year-old JACKIE COOGAN as the Child.
by David McGee



‘It’s Time to Shine’: An Interview With Ivy Ford

IVY FORD, riding a wave of acclaim for her 2020 album Club 27 (a Deep Roots Album of the Year), sits down for an interview conducted by LINDA CAIN, founder/managing editor of the essential CHICAGO BLUES GUIDE.
by David McGee


Dear Santa Claus

From 1901, a collection of charming holiday stories for boys and girls. They don't write 'em like they used to
by David McGee



‘Africa Is My Home’: Captivating Look at a Captivating Woman

JULES considers 'AFRICA IS MY HOME,' the fictionalized story of a real-life child named Margru, taken from her home by slave traders in West Africa, and brought to the U.S. on the Armistad.
by David McGee


Hurricane Warning

Almost a half-century into his career. BOBBY 'HURRICANE' SPENCER delivers big-time on 'HURRICANE UNLEASHED,' singing some hard-luck blues but also revealing himself as a true romantic, in spite of heartbreak.
by David McGee



What If?

Remembering STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN and Canned Heat's ALAN WILSON, on the 30th anniversary of SRV's debut, TEXAS FLOOD, and the release of a long-awaited Wilson retrospective.
by David McGee