Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters

Recent Articles


In The Prime Time Mood

DAVE STRYKER's first studio album with his trio will get you in the mood.
by David McGee


Sustainable Agriculture News

The latest in Sustainable Agriculture News from the Food Safety Moderation Act; a new trend in nurturing and processing chickens; sustainable ag issues are focus of TEDx Manhattan Talks; NASA engineers take on fe...
by David McGee



What’s A Dog For?: John Homan’s Ambitious Journey Through The Canine World

In the new Talking Animals installment, Duncan Strauss chats with JOHN HOMANS, executive editor of New York Magazine and author of the fascinating 'What's a Dog For? The Surprising History, Science, Philosophy and Politics of M...
by David McGee


‘Her Death is Akin To a Library Burning Down’

Remembering REGINA RESNIK, whose death on August 8 was, says FRED PLOTKIN, 'akin to a library burning to the ground.' A personal reminiscence of an amazing life ensues.
by David McGee



Remembering Mr. Earl: They Often Called Him Speedo…

REMEMBERING EARL 'SPEEDO' CARROLL and MICKEY BAKER--Earl Carroll and Mickey Baker had but one big hit each, but both are major early rock 'n' roll hits. As a singer and showman, Carroll's influence extended into the dawn of sou...
by David McGee


Bobby Osborne: Sui Generis

Now 85, bluegrass legend BOBBY OSBORNE, with ALISON BROWN producing and superb backing musicians, has a solo triumph in the accurately titled ORIGINAL.
by David McGee



It’s All Too Beautiful: Nellie McKay Sounds Off on…Everything

NELLIE MCKAY is never at a loss for words--about animals, the '60s, her new album (MY WEEKLY READER)--and she told it as it is in a lively TALKING ANIMALS interview with DUNCAN STRAUSS
by David McGee


Country, Western & Madeleine

by David McGee