Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters

Recent Articles


Bob Marovich’s Gospel Picks

Our gospel editor's picks include another stellar outing from PAUL THORN, the return of JENNIFER SHAW and a sweet collection of gospel violin from DANIEL D.
by David McGee


Wherein Byzantine Chant Meets Sarum Liturgy

CAPPELLA ROMANA uses its 30th album to honor a little-known occasion when the Byzantine Emperor celebrated Christmas at the English court in Eltham, circa 1400 A.D.
by David McGee



How To Have Fun With a Serious Song (Field Notes from a Music Biz Life, Part 3)

In this installment of his autobiography, MICHAEL SIGMAN recounts some amusing incidents following in the wake of his father CARL SIGMAN's now-classic hit song 'EBB TIDE.' JERRY COLONNA makes an appearance.
by David McGee


A Yuletide Evergreen Grows Here

LISA BIALES's first holiday album may become essential to keeping Christmas well in our time ahead. Hearing is believing.
by David McGee



Wounded Knee Update: Auction Set for Oct. 1

An update on the fate of WOUNDED KNEE, plus an unforgettable letter to the editor in response to Jim Czywczysnki's attempt to sell the land. Also: the Yin and Yang of wind farms
by David McGee


Whither Passionate Kisses?

Boston-based Juliet and the Lonesome Romeos make a favorable impression on their debut album, No Regrets, by serving up pop-country with a bite. The long player shows Juliet Simmons Dinallo to be a songwriter with immense promi...
by David McGee



A Search for Unity Within the Miraculous

Ireland's LOUTH CONTEMPORARY MUSIC SOCIETY has one of the year's most intriguing new releases in IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS, which mirrors George Gurdjieff's populist, pan-global approach to spiritual teaching.
by David McGee


Updike at Easter, 2022 Edition

Our 11th annual installment of 'Seven Voices on Seven Stanzas' brings together new voices and those of earlier contributors to contemplate the greater meaning of John Updike's provocative poem, 'Seven Stanzas at Easter.'
by David McGee