Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters



Her Songs, Her Voice, Her Guitar…Her Life

On Stage: MARY GAUTHIER came solo acoustic to Hill Country in New York City and mesmerized a near-sellout audience.
by David McGee


Yes, Everybody Does Love John

AVALON, the fourth album in blues woman RORY BLOCK's acclaimed Mentor Series, honors the music of MISSISSIPPI JOHN HURT
by David McGee



Special Delivery

The U.S. Postal Service has honored RAY CHARLES with a Forever stamp, and Concord has marked the occasion with an interesting anthology, FOREVER.
by David McGee


Sail On, Friend, Sail On

PHILIP CHEVRON, guitarist-songwriter for THE POGUES, lost his battle with cancer on Oct. 8. Herewith a friend reflects on the remarkable heart that made this Irish bard someone special indeed.
by David McGee



Video Moment for the Ages

Capitalizing on the global acclaim for tTHE COMEBACK ALBUM, ERIC BRACE and PETER COOPER have released 'The Greatest Music Video Ever Made.' Sez they.
by David McGee


‘Perhaps the Richest Body of Stories by Any North American Writer of His Generation’

THE LIBRARY OF AMERICA is publishing a two-volume set of John Updike's Collected Stories. CHRISTOPHER CARDUFF, the estate-appointed editor of Updike's posthumous publications, discusses the project.
by David McGee



Beethoven’s Day

Composer RICHARD WAGNER was always quick to dash off polemics on various subjects. He first wrote about BEETHOVEN in 1840, and returned to interpret the master's C-Sharp Minor String Quartet in 1870 during the Beethoven Centena...
by David McGee


The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Remade and reimagined (even on a Gilligan's Island episode) many times, Irving Pichel's 1932 classic original of THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME uses KING KONG sets and its stars, FAY WRAY and ROBERT ARMSTRONG. Plus: Betty Boop's "Minn...
by David McGee



‘I Will Imagine You Venus To Night’

To his beloved FANNY BRAWNE JOHN KEATS wrote some of the most torrid and revealing love letters in history, one of which, from 1819, we offer here. Also here: Keats's timeless poem, 'To Autumn.'
by David McGee