Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters



The Throw of the Dice: Josquin’s ‘Missa Di Dadi’

With PETER PHILLIPS directing , THE TALLIS SCHOLARS return with their eleventh disc of JOSQUIN masses, a welcome release featuring two quirkly early masses, including 'Missa Di Dadi,' or 'The Dice Mass.'
by David McGee


Border Patrol

In a true border crossing event, GABRIEL ESPINOSA and TIERNEY SUTTON deliver a nuanced tribute to the songs of BURT BACHARACH and Mexican songwriting legend ARMANDO MANZANERO.
by David McGee



Soothing Music in a Troubled Time

Self-released and Kickstarter funded, Hawaii's PACIFIC HARP PROJECT quartet has reimagined works by revered composers such as RAVEL and DEBUSSY, and added scintillating originals to the mix.
by David McGee


You Can Go Home Again

MARK O'CONNOR. predictably unpredictable, returns as a member of a splendid roots band featuring his wife MAGGIE, his son FORREST and his son's fiancee, KATE LEE. It's a loving family affair.
by David McGee



The Philosopher Ascendant

AL BASILE brings his voice, his cornet and his songwriting skills to bear most impressively on a new album that speaks to respect for those who came before even as it addresses contemporary issues.
by David McGee


Paulie, Au Courant, Defying Time and Tide

Pure Paul McCartney, au courant, defying time and tide, towering over whomever would challenge his grandeur. Celebrate him now. David McGee reviews Paulie's self-curated 4-CD solo overview. Exit breathless.
by David McGee



Of Heart, Soul & the Collaborative Dance

The collaborative art of heart and soul via solid new albums by the ERNIE WATTS QUARTET and the combo led by LAFAYETTE HARRIS JR. with guest legend HOUSTON PERSON on tenor sax.
by David McGee


Traveling Upwards to That Glorious Place

DOYLE LAWSON & QUICKSILVER rejoice all the way through BURDEN BEARER, bluegrass gospel delivered with conviction and authority, with and without instruments.
by David McGee



Bringing It All Back Home

One of the best albums of 2016 was recorded in 1978 and is only now seeing the light of day. LIVE AT ROSY'S captures the great SARAH VAUGHAN in a peak moment. She was indeed the Divine One--and Sassy too.
by David McGee