CoStanford Howells Cover FINAL 2

An Influential Recording Returns, And Then Some

Under the direction of JOHN RUTTER, the CAMBRIDGE SINGERS bring fresh vitality to works by SIR CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD and HERBERT HOWELLS in an expanded reissue of a 1992 classic, STANFORD AND HOWELLS REMEMBERED.
by David McGee

since it was the day featured

Dramatic, Innovative, Profoundly Moving

The first recording of JAMES MACMILLAN's examination of the events following Christ's crucifixion, SINCE IT WAS THE DAY OF PREPARATION, is a triumph.
by David McGee


chris thile spotlight

Bach by Thile (Not Thile Does Bach)

It was inevitable: after flirting with Bach for his entire professional career, CHRIS THILE has released a solo album of the Baroque giant's Sonatas & Partitas. Reviewer CHRSITINE N. LAYTON hails it as a big winner.
by David McGee

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A Fresh Take on Fibich

Among Czech nationalistic composers, Zdenek Fibich's work has been woefully overlooked. The Czech National Symphony offers a partial corrective on its new CD.
by David McGee


The Sixteen Stanford cover

Celebrating the Stanford Centenary

A century after his passing, CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD gets a grand celebration.
by David McGee

singing bird cover

Beyond Arcady and Bethlehem

A must-hear event for choral music lovers: ONLY A SINGING BIRD by the NATIONAL GIRLS CHOIR of Scotland, with sensitively rendered songs by MICHAEL HEARD and others.
by David McGee


blow purcell featured

Classical Perspectives: Richly Sophisticated

In life he was eclipsed by the shadow of his great pupil, Henry Purcell, and ensuing centuries have seen the 17th century composer JOHN BLOW nigh on to completely forgotten. Until this glorious moment.
by David McGee

blondel featured1

Of Love, Loss, Chivalry & Memory

Christine de Pisan, whose work touched on every aspect of courtly life, from romantic poetry to military strategy and feminist critiques of the position of women in society, has inspired Blondel's new work of late Medieval wind...
by David McGee


mozart london featured

Young Mozart, Poised to Beguile Georgian Society

When eight-year-old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arrived in London in 1764, he was, according to JOSEPH NEWSOME, 'poised to beguile the music-loving denizens of Georgian society.' A new album, MOZART IN LONDON, captures that moment.
by David McGee

rheinmadchen featured

Aesthetically Unified as One Romantic Brotherhood

On RHEINMÄDCHEN, France's all-female vocal chorus ENSEMBLE PYGMALION, conducted by RAPHAEL PICHON, assays, with an invigorating twist, Wagner, Schubert, Schumann, Johannes Brahms and others.
by David McGee


Dancing With Piazzolla London Tango Quintet cover

Engaging Piazzolla, With Flair

Clasically trained, the LONDON TANGO QUINTET brings elegance and improvisatory freedom to a tango tribute.
by David McGee

Virginia Broffit Kunzer Narrative

Being About a Compelling ‘Narrative’

Sixteen tracks—some with multiple parts—showcasing the works of a group of female artists born between 1814 and 1970.
by David McGee