Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters




Veteran soul/blues/R&B singer-songwriter-guitarist JOHNNY RAWLS offers interesting perspectives on love, happiness and commitment on TIGER IN A CAGE. Soul lives.
by David McGee


Love in The Medici Court

From fragments of the earliest known operas as performed at the Medici court in Florence, Italy, RAPHAEL PICHON has assembled a fresh, passionate whole--a celebration of love--in the two-CD set, STRAVAGANZA D'AMORE.
by David McGee



Kicking It Up a Notch (or Two, or…)

KENNY 'BLUES BOSS' WAYNE comes out rockin' and rarely lets up on GO, JUST DO IT! In a tour de force performance, the Piano Hall of Fame inductee offers 10 original songs and terrific covers of two PERCY MAYFIELD tunes and a JJ ...
by David McGee


Keep on Pushin’

On CANVAS, NATALIE MACMASTER and DONNELL LEAHY, a true musical power couple, continue stretching stylistic boundaries in surprising ways. O, Canada!
by David McGee



That Swingin’ Little Guitar Man

Carl Perkins recalled a show he played in Atlanta in 1958 at which he was visited backstage by a young fellow who came with guitar in hand and introduced himself as Jerry Hubbard. The two pickers engaged each other in a couple ...
by David McGee


Love From Both Sides Now

One voice, one piano, some chestnuts from the Great American Songbook, one quiet, powerful original and an unerring aim for the heart: the Wailin' Jennys' HEATHER MASSE and the legendary DICK HYMAN make art on LOCK MY HEART.
by David McGee



Old-Time Good-Timey, with Hints of Grandeur

Nashville's THE HOWLIN BROTHERS are poised for greater things, if the trio's new Brendan Benson-produced album, HOWL, is any indication. John Hartford, for one, is smiling.
by David McGee


Yes, Everybody Does Love John

AVALON, the fourth album in blues woman RORY BLOCK's acclaimed Mentor Series, honors the music of MISSISSIPPI JOHN HURT
by David McGee



Feelings Funny, Familiar and So Well Remembered

KACEY JONES is a funny gal, but she's also a singer who can bring it all back home vocally. She reminds us of this repeatedly on her first new music album since 2006, AMEN FOR OLD FRIENDS, concerning those funny, family and so ...
by David McGee