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Singing the Travels: Imani Uzuri Finds the Bold Heart and Global Soul of Home on The Gypsy Diaries

The mysterious figure on the moonlit railway platform, the passersby on the dusty road are not strangers; they are friends and fellow travelers. And to stunning vocalist and thoughtful, globally inspired composer Imani Uzuri, t...
by David McGee


‘What a Hero’: ALS Claims Guitarist ‘Dangerous’ Dan Toler, 64

A versatile, distinctive Southern rock guitarist, Dangerous Dan Toler succumbed to Lou Gehrig's Disease on Feb. 25. 'He really showed people how to live,' said his friend Bonnie Bramlett.
by David McGee



This Very Tree, The Survivor Tree & A Hundred Thousand Welcomes

On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America, our acclaimed kids' lit blogger, JULES, finds fresh perspectives for young readers in three new books, two specifically addressing the World Trade Center attacks, another ...
by David McGee


We Review Roger Ebert

Remembering ROGER EBERT, a three-part tribute, including his Great Movies: The First 100 list & a tribute to Beneath the Valley of the Dolls
by David McGee



Johnny Cash to Carl Perkins

WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: In a previously unpublished letter written in April 1981, JOHNNY CASH apprises CARL PERKINS of his plans for the two of them plus their Sun llabelmate JERRY LEE LEWIS, to appear in concert together in Germa...
by David McGee


Christmas in All Hues of Blues

CHRISTMAS IN ALL HUES OF BLUES, an updated review from 2012, spotlighting four classic blues-oriented Yuletide collections: DEATH MIGHT BE YOUR SANTA CLAUS and tBLUES, BLUES CHRISTMAS, Vols. 1-3
by David McGee