Kathleen Edwards Returns, Triumphantly and With Animals

KATHLEEN EDWARDS returns from a lengthy, self-imposed sabbatical to reclaim the high singer-songwriter ground she conquered in 2003. Her new album, TOTAL FREEDOM, says much about where she's been, and memorably so. A dog, and b...
by David McGee


Animals Making The Case For Neko—And Vice Versa

It's not enough to be one of our finest singer-songwriters; NEKO CASE is also a veteran vocal advocate of animal welfare issues. She explains her raison d'etre to DUNCAN STRAUSS in another stellar TA installment.
by David McGee



‘Hug’: Paws For Patriots Dogs Ease Wounded Veterans Passage Into Post-Combat Life

Since 2006 the non-profit organization PAWS FOR PATRIOTS has been training and providing, free of charge, guide dogs to veterans with visual impairments. DUNCAN STRAUSS has the inside story on this invaluable effort.
by David McGee


Talking Animals: Feral, And a Friend of Animals

She's 30 years into her Presidency of FRIENDS OF ANIMALS, an international animal advocacy organization, and her name really is PRISCILLA FERAL. 'I'm wired for this kind of confrontational work,' she says.
by David McGee



The Cat’s Pajamas of Social Media

If you’re contemplating raising your kids without any pets in the home, you should know that one could turn out to be a man who raps about cats.
by David McGee


Trish McMillan and The Hard Call: Behavioral Euthanasia

What is 'behavioral euthanasia' and is it really necessary? Animal behaviorist TRISH MCMILLAN explains why this hardest of calls for pet owners to make can be the most humane solution to a chemical, biochemical, physical reason...
by David McGee



Consumed with ‘Kudo’: Real-Life Superhero Is Animal Abusers’ Worst Nightmare

When it comes to animal abusers, especially those running illegal slaughterhouses, RICHARD 'KUDO' COUTO is unforgiving and merciless in bringing the miscreants to justice. Exclusive interview.
by David McGee