‘Africa Is My Home’: Captivating Look at a Captivating Woman

JULES considers 'AFRICA IS MY HOME,' the fictionalized story of a real-life child named Margru, taken from her home by slave traders in West Africa, and brought to the U.S. on the Armistad.
by David McGee


Beth Waters Uncovers ‘A Lost Way of Life’

BETH WATERS's CHILD OF ST. KILDA is the product of two years of research into "a lost way of life" on one of the most remote part of the British Isles. JULES has the story behind a most remarkable story.
by David McGee



Revisiting Dire Lullabies to Great Effect with Linda Ashman and Simona Mulazzani

LINDA ASHMAN's ROCK-A-BYE ROMP, with illustrations by SIMONA MUJAZZANI, is an early 2016 treat. Jules's review of same is another early 2016 treat.
by David McGee


Marianne Dubuc and the Art of Silence

In her new book The Lion and The Bird, author-illustrator MARIANNE DUBUC invites young readers into her tale by means of 'interrupted silence, not rushing the story, letting it breathe.' JULES explains further.
by David McGee



A Spotlight on Smaller Publishers

Reviews of three new beautifully illustrated picture books for children, all issued by smaller publishing houses
by David McGee


A Visit with Author/Illustrator Kristi Valiant

JULES chats with author/illustrator KRISTI VALIANT, whose new book PENGUIN CHA-CHA is picking up rave reviews everywhere.
by David McGee



Bryan Collier’s Trombone Shorty Moment

TROMBONE SHORTY is releasing a picture book autobiography next month, with superb illustrations by BRYAN COLLIER. JULES has the lowdown, and some pics.
by David McGee


In The Woods, In the Illustrator’s Eyes

IN THE WOODS, DAVID ELLIOTT's poetry collection that explores 15 creatures in their woodland habitats, is beautifully illustrated by ROB DUNLAVEY, who discussed the project with JULES.
by David McGee



The Latest from Komako Sakai

As I’ve made clear before here at 7-Imp, I’m a fan of the illustration work of Komako Sakai (who even visited for a brief interview last year). So, I was happy to see that she’s illustrated a new book, this one written by...
by David McGee


Waterloo & Trafalgar: A Thought Provoking Story of War and Peace

An advance look at Olivier Tallec's new book, Waterloo & Trafalgar, 'a story told in only blue, orange and black,' another masterful example of the author's exceptional skills with visual storytelling.
by David McGee


christian robinson

A Late-Night Breakfast with Christian Robinson

Get out the veggies, eggs, and coffee mugs. Illustrator Christian Robinson is visiting for a late-night breakfast. (Why not? Breakfast for dinner! I say.) Given that he’s a vegetarian-though he admits he kinda misses his ...
by David McGee


American Tales

Two very American tales in JULES's spotlight: GITTEL'S JOURNEY: AN ELLIS ISLAND STORY, and HANDS UP, an affirmation of self-worth, an energizing, empowering celebration of family and community
by David McGee