The Wonders of the Beggar’s Kingdom

With its 2012 album, The Wonders of the Beggar’s Kingdom, Lithuania's Sutaras went beyond cheery celebrations of its native land’s music and culture and addressed the reality of the outside world where most live in 'uncerta...
by David McGee


‘Knowing Happiness Without Restraints’

Descended from Hindustani musical royalty, ANANDI BHATTACHARYA makes an impressive international debut on JOYS ABOUND, a celebration of 'knowing happiness without restraints.'
by David McGee



‘Please Enjoy This Album. Or Don’t! Whatever.’

Does classical music drive loiterers out of public places? Studies say so, and violinist GIL SHAHAM is counting on his music to further the burgeoning trend on MUSIC TO DRIVE LOITERERS AWAY. He hopes everyone enjoys the album. ...
by David McGee


Feeling Nature’s Rhythms, Mystery and Spiritual Beauty

So Scottish composer/pianist ALEXANDER CHAPMAN CAMPBELL went for a long walk through Norway and lo! A beautiful album materialized...
by David McGee



Doubtful Lake

NATURES TEMPLE: One of the great women of 20th Century American letters chronicles her extraordinary hike in 1918 from Doubtful Lake to the Cascade Mountains. From her book Tenting To-Night.
by David McGee


The Wolf in Its Own Clothing

ERICA BERRY's new book, WOLFISH, attempts to shed light on how the species is a stand-in for fear. Review by Mike Berry.l
by David McGee



In Her Own Words: Up-and-Coming Illustrator Sairom Moon

Our heralded kids' lit blogger JULES interviews up-and-coming illustrator Sairom Moon, and kicks off the new year by blessing us with a couple of new illustrations from the redoubtable illustrator Elisa Kleven.
by David McGee


Robert Neubecker’s Little Plane That Could

Two superb new children's books are on JULES's radar: ROBERT NEUBECKER's charming LITTLE SMOKEY and, from the legendary ELOISE GREENFIELD, a personal look at midwives in THE WOMEN WHO CAUGHT THE BABIES
by David McGee



Lily Tomlin & The Elephants In the Room (and On the Planet)

A few years ago LILY TOMLIN became engrossed in an effort to move two elephants from the L.A. Zoo to a sanctuary. Now she's championing the humane treatment of the big fellas in an HBO documentary, AN APOLOGY TO ELEPHANTS.
by David McGee


Spreading Hope & Happiness (with Bunnies)

Welcome to Peacebunny Island, where 16-year-old CALEB SMITH and friends are spreading hope and happiness with their comfort rabbits. Yes, comfort rabbits. DUNCAN STRAUSS finds out what's up, doc.
by David McGee



Our Man Flint (1965)

Of all the spy spoofs cashing in on the James Bond craze in the '60s, OUR MAN FLINT, starring a winning JAMES COBURN, is arguably the best. Plus: 'Phony Pharmers' from THE DICK TRACY TV SHOW.
by David McGee


Sustainable Agriculture News

Report: Missouri has a serious food insecurity problem; Oregonian TARA WHITSETT is preaching the gospel of 'empowerment and preservation through fermentation.'
by David McGee