Being About an Instrument ‘At Once Familiar and Unknown’

In ART OF THE MANDOLIN, AVI AVITAL offers a perspective on 300 years of music composed specifically for his instrument of choice. A range of perspectives--via reviews, interviews and first-person observations-help explain the a...
by David McGee


Abundant Love Before Breakfast

JANE PORTER's THE BOY WHO LOVED EVERYONE, illustrated by MAISIE PARADISE SHEARRING, offers valuable lessons to teach children about managing their emotions, as JULES explains. Also: "HERE COMES THE SUN," a short but welcome Spr...
by David McGee



To Ride an Avalanche in Yosemite

At the turn of the 20th Century, naturist JOHN MUIR, never one to shirk a chance for first-person experience in the wild, rode an avalanche down a mountain Yosemite National Park. And lived to tell about it, as he does here.
by David McGee


The Indefatigable George McPhee

The PAISLEY ABBEY CHOIR, with Director GEORGE. MCPHEE, offers the first outstanding choral album of 2021 in A CELTIC PRAYER, a program of choral and organ pieces by Scottish composers of contemporary and 20th Century Scottish s...
by David McGee



Trish McMillan and The Hard Call: Behavioral Euthanasia

What is 'behavioral euthanasia' and is it really necessary? Animal behaviorist TRISH MCMILLAN explains why this hardest of calls for pet owners to make can be the most humane solution to a chemical, biochemical, physical reason...
by David McGee


Juliet Menéndez’s Latinitas

In LATINITAS: CELEBRATING 40 BIG DREAMERS, author/illustrator JULIET MENÉNDEZ profiles women from all over Latin America and the U.S. and includes life stories that go back as far as the 17th century. Celia Cruz, Isabel Allend...
by David McGee



Let Us Now Speak of, and to, Turbulent Times

Speak we now of, and to, turbulent times: two World Music gems address the world as it is: ANOURA, from Mali's Anansy Cissé, and SUCH TIMES by master U.K. singer-songwriter STEVE TILSTON.
by David McGee


A ‘Lost Galaxy’ Found, Sun Science Stamps Arrive

A galaxy far, far away, thought 'lost,' has been discovered via the Hubble Telescope. And the Postal Service is issuing a very cool set of Sun Science stamps. You'll never look at the sun the same way again. Well, you shouldn't...
by David McGee



Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That String!

Canada's THE SULTANS OF STRING and their guests put a new spin on the spirit of the season, but it's is still the spirit we’ve known for bringing good tidings of great joy. Dig the best Christmas album of the 2017 Yuletide se...
by David McGee


The Soft, The Warm, The Syncopated Yule

A trifecta of outstanding stocking stuffers for this--and every--Yuletide season: AMBER WEEKES's THE GATHERING; ROBERT PRESTA & ADRIANA SAMARGIA's FIRST SNOW; and RALLY 'ROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE, PARAGON RAGTIME ORCHESTRA
by David McGee



Robert Hugill’s Classical Christmas Evergreens

ROBERT HUGILL'S CLASSICAL CHRISTMAS is a collection of must-read reviews of Classical Yuletide fare, from choral works to small vocal ensembles, as appraised by Mr. Hugill in Deep Roots from 2013 to the present day. All to make...
by David McGee


Ho-Ho-Ho, Who Wouldn’t Go?

IVY FORD offers a delightful holiday treat in HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2020, her EP featuring five tasty Christmas carols and songs, available as a free download at her website. To say the price is right is to be guilty of understatement.
by David McGee