Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters



Bobbi Lane Offers Light in The Darkness

After losing her father and her sister within three months of each other in 2023, BOBBI LANE found strength in gospel music. In an exclusive interview with BOB MAROVICH, she tells how the music got her through.
by David McGee


Bringing a Giant’s Music Ministry to a New Generation

When Grammy winning gospel artist MYRON BUTLER decided to honor the songs of the towering ANDRAE' CROUCH, he wound up, in MY TRIBUTE, with one of the most moving albums of the year. Interview by BOB MAROVICH .
by David McGee



Hello, Dolly: The ‘Different Dynamic’ of Jermaine Dolly

Giving new meaning to the salutation 'Hello, Dolly!,' rising gospel star JERMAINE DOLLY talks to BOB MAROVICH about his sudden ascendancy and long-term goals.
by David McGee


‘I Know I Was Meant To Do This’

Young WARREN DEAN FLANDEZ is one of the young artists most responsible for Canada's robust gospel music scene. BOB MAROVICH has an exclusive interview to offer.
by David McGee



On the Gospel Highway’s Alternate Route

Between 1967 and 1977 Memphis-based DESIGNER RECORDS was focused on giving gospel artists a place to record their work for posterity, for $469.50.
by David McGee


‘When You Worship More, You Worry Less’

One of gospel's best selling artists,JAMES FORTUNE and his group FIYA have enjoyed a #1 run with their new double-CD album, LIVE THROUGH IT. Fortune's most popular songs focus on overcoming hardships, and he explains why in an ...
by David McGee



From the Archives, Rare and Timeless Classic Gospel

2013 was a good year for gospel music, for new and established artists alike, and especially for some gospel pioneers whose groundbreaking work is back in print on three essential reissues.
by David McGee


TBGB Music Hour Special–Christmas Gospel Songs

At his Black Gospel Blog, BOB MAROVICH, Gospel Editor of Deep Roots, has launched his annual online Music Hour Christmas Special. One click and you're transported...
by David McGee



‘It Is the Sho’ ‘Nuff Truth’

JUDY CHEEKS, daughter of gospel giant REV. JULIUS CHEEKS of the Sensational Nightingales, has emigrated from the secular world to gospel with a powerful debut album. An exclusive interview follows.
by David McGee