Recent Articles


World Without End, Amen

GREAT BIG WORLD contains simply too many inspired performances to be anything but a blessing, apart from it being one of TONY TRISCHKA's showcase moments as a banjo titan and band leader without peer.
by David McGee


Feelings Funny, Familiar and So Well Remembered

KACEY JONES is a funny gal, but she's also a singer who can bring it all back home vocally. She reminds us of this repeatedly on her first new music album since 2006, AMEN FOR OLD FRIENDS, concerning those funny, family and so ...
by David McGee



Video Moment of the Week

NU-BLU releases the third video from its tenth anniversary album, titled Ten. 'Without a Kiss,' a sensitive ballad addressed to a departed spouse, elicits one of Carolyn Routh's most affecting vocals.
by David McGee


Reality Check

An ad from Malaysian Airlines that needs to be retired, if it isn't already...
by David McGee



A Portrait of His Hungarian Soul

Gypsy music is pure passion, and that's what Hungarian-born violinist FERENC ILLENYI mines on his album GYPSY DREAM, in which he immerses himself in exploring all the varied facets of gypsy music.
by David McGee


Sustainable Agriculture News: Urban Farming Taking Hold

BALTIMORE, CHICAGO and NASHVILLE are embracing urban farming in a big way, and out in California, the UC Riverside 'Grow Riverside' Conference is trying to encourage the movement in the Golden State.
by David McGee