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All In Good Time: Scott Miller’s Rock and Roll

Contributing editor CHRISTOPHER HILL offers an appreciation and appraisal of the late SCOTT MILLER's 'gracious and nourishing, even ennobling' rock 'n' roll.
by David McGee

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Dancing Bears: la danse de l’ours

Dancing bears have been around since at least the Middle Ages. Sheer Folk blogger SERGIO RIBNKIKOV GUNNARSON has been studying the rather obscure history of these mammalian hoofers and herein reports on his findings.
by David McGee


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Softball, The Music Biz and the Me Decade

MICHAEL SIGMAN recounts an epic softball tripleheader in the Summer of '76 between the Record World Flashmakers and the E STREET KINGS. Yes, those E Streeters...
by David McGee


‘The Point Is, You Can Go On A Musical Journey’

Celebrating 10 Years of Publishing: from archives, the November 2010 cover story interview with RAUL MALO
by David McGee


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‘Mission’ Accomplished

On her vaunted new album, Mission, CECILIA BARTOLI (this is her--really, it is) fashions the music of Agostino Steffani into a conceptual work brimming with passion, politics and intrigue. It is the opera great’s finest hour.
by David McGee

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Alicia Olatuja: Inauguration Day Heat

Unheralded in a lineup of superstars, ALICIA OLATUJA became the big news of the 2013 Presidential Inauguration ceermonies with her rousing solo on 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' while singing with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. ...
by David McGee


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‘Birmingham is not a dying city. It is dead.’

On Sept/ 15, 1963, the Ku Klux Klan set off a bomb at Birmingham's 16th Street Baptist Church, killing four young girls. On Sept. 16, civil liberties lawyer CHUCK MORGAN spoke out.
by David McGee

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Video Moments for the Ages

A few memorable moments courtesy JERRY REED and STEVE GOODMAN, gone but hardly forgotten
by David McGee


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You Can Get Anything You Want (including Alice) from Arlo This Month

ARLO GUTHRIE is delightfully omnipresent in November, with a PBS broadcast of his 50th anniversary 'Alice's Restaurant' show and a new children's book to boot.
by David McGee

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Updike at Easter, 2022 Edition

Our 11th annual installment of 'Seven Voices on Seven Stanzas' brings together new voices and those of earlier contributors to contemplate the greater meaning of John Updike's provocative poem, 'Seven Stanzas at Easter.'
by David McGee



Learning to Savor Thanksgiving:

Learning to savor Thanksgiving: Two Native Americans explain how they have embraced certain aspects of the white man's Thanksgiving rituals.
by David McGee

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‘A Man of Exceptional Character’

Oklahoma football great STEVE DAVIS died in a plane crash in Indiana on March 18. As the quarterback of the OU Sooners from '73--'75, Davis won two national championships, three Big 8 titles and 32 of 34 games.
by David McGee