schubert sessions featured

Seeking a Meaningful Acquaintance with Schubert

Classical contributor JOSEPH NEWSOME proclaims vocalist Philippe Sly and guitarist John Charles Britton's SCHUBERT SESSIONS: LEIDER WITH GUITAR, 2016's best lieder recording.
by David McGee

saturn featured

Saturn’s Rings in Daylight, On the Night Side

A spectacular view of Saturn's rings as photographed from the planet's nightside by the Cassini spacecraft on the Cassini Solstice Mission.
by David McGee


keats autumn


Celebrating the beauty and complexity of Autumn with a little help from our friend JOHN KEATS...
by David McGee

watanabe featured

The String and The Source

On Néo, KAORU WATANABE celebrates 'going upward, connecting to the divine...the unity that binds us to something greater.' It's the master Taiko multi-instrumentalist/composer's finest hour.
by David McGee


lesniak featured

Protecting All Creatures Great & Small

Imagine a politician that believes animals are citizens too, my friends, and are entitled to the rights and protections we enjoy as humans. Enter NJ State Senator Raymond J. Lesniak.
by David McGee

fiend featured

The Fiend Who Walked the West (1958)

ROBERT EVANS bid farewell to his acting career in THE FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST in grand, over-the-top style. Also featured: the surviving footage from GOLD DIGGERS OF BROADWAY 1929.
by David McGee


since it was the day featured

Dramatic, Innovative, Profoundly Moving

The first recording of JAMES MACMILLAN's examination of the events following Christ's crucifixion, SINCE IT WAS THE DAY OF PREPARATION, is a triumph.
by David McGee

mara featured

‘We’re Trying to Unpack The Mind’

ADITYA and MYTHILI PRAKASH have brought the peculiar rush and seductive snares of the mind’s inner workings to moving, singing life with MARA, a multimedia performance and album.
by David McGee


7imp featured

The Wind of the Book

Marking her tenth year of blogging, JULES offers informed insights into ANNE HERBAUT's award winning (in the author's native France) WHAT COLOR IS THE WIND?
by David McGee

standing rock featured

Why Standing Rock Matters

In this measured but impassioned essay, LIZ PEREZ HALPERIN, Native American and Navy Veteran, explains the issues surrounding the Standing Rock resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. Must reading.
by David McGee


stellar shrapnel featured

Investigating Stellar Shrapnel

Thousands of years ago, 160 light years away from Earth, a star exploded, scattering stellar shrapnel across the sky. The Hubble Space Telescope recently found evidence of the event.
by David McGee

ecstasy cover

ECSTASY (1933)

ECSTASY, the film that made teen Hedy Kiesler notorious before she was HEDY LAMARR and inventing cell phone technology, plus an essential 1933 cartoon, MICKEY'S GALA PREMIER
by David McGee