Extra-Savory Bluegrass

The finest in contemporary bluegrass is coming to you from Mobile, Alabama's DELTA REIGN. The band is back, following up its superb Calm Before the Storm with another top-notch outing, NOTHING BUT SKY.
by David McGee


Voices From Beyond the Glow in the Sunset Skies

An all-star cast of roots songwriters, musicians and vocalists join forces on GOD DIDN'T CHOOSE SIDES: Civil War True Stories about Real People, Volume 1. Ye shall be moved.
by David McGee



Of Dark Hearts and Lethal Consequences

The Earl Brothers are back with their dark-hearted bluegrass--like no other bluegrass known to humankind--on Outlaw Hillbilly. Our Album of the Week selection chronicles the Bay Area band's continuing crafting of one of the mos...
by David McGee


Alive, Authentic and Profoundly Human

This week's ALBUM OF THE WEEK is 'Brothers in Bamako,' a ttansAtlantic union of souls between modern day griots Habib Koité, of Mali, and the veteran New York City-born folksinger Eric Bibb. Their song is 'alive, authentic and...
by David McGee



Oceanic Swells of Feeling and Musicality

On COUCHVILLE SESSIONS, DARRELL SCOTT'S 'patient, perfectionism and passion' come together in 'ocean swells of feeling and musicality,' says our DERK RICHARDSON.
by David McGee


Sing to Me, Sing to Me…

Having made so many memorable statements in her career, 84-year-old ANNIE ROSS delivers one of her finest on TO LADY WITH LOVE, in memory of her mentor-friend BILLIE HOLIDAY, with Pizzarellis Bucky and John on guitars.
by David McGee



Where Hearts Beat as One

On their new album, FASTER AND FARTHER, DARIN and BROOKE ALDRIDGE are metaphorically flying on a collection of songs about love and loss, including IAN TYSON's 'Someday Soon.'
by David McGee


Communing With Misfortune, In Search of Justice

Falsely convicted of murder, four Native Alaskans--the Fairbanks Four--were freed in 2015 after 18 years in prison. Composer Emerson Eads responded with MASS FOR THE OPPRESSED.
by David McGee



Paving the Way for Those Who Paved the Way

Twenty-five superb tracks, starting in 1940, of the Mother of Gospel Music SALLIE MARTIN's early recordings, appraised as invaluable by JOURNAL OF GOSPEL MUSIC founder BOB MAROVICH
by David McGee


For a Friend

Just over the horizon, out of sight, beyond the ear’s reach, love, like the road, goes on forever. NANCY CASSIDY celebrates life for an ailing friend on SONG OF JOY.
by David McGee



The Romantic

WILLIE NELSON returns at his best on LET'S FACE THE MUSIC AND DANCE, a torch album chronicling a bruised but not broken romantic's tumultuous journey of the heart.
by David McGee


The Big Land

Ever more ambitious, ALISON BROWN returns with THE SONG OF THE BANJO, with KEB' MO outstanding on 'What's Going On,' and our reviewer likening the instrumental portions to Smetana's 'The Moldau.' Really.
by David McGee