Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters



DETOUR (1945)

'No one who has seen it has easily forgotten it.' So says ROGER EBERT of the film noir classic, DETOUR, a gem from the Poverty Row era, filmed on a miniscule budget in a matter of days, but aging better than many big budget epi...
by David McGee


Remembering Private Snafu

A true historical obscurity, PRIVATE SNAFU was the title character in a series of animated instructional shorts filmed for and shown only to WWII soldiers to instruct them in security, personal hygiene and other issues.
by David McGee



Dragstrip Riot (1958)

Teenagers gone wild! From 1958, Deep Roots Theater presents DRAGSTRIP RIOT. Featuring generational clashes, mayhem and a kind of rock 'n' roll, with FAY WRAY as the mother, CONNIE STEVENS in her third movie.
by David McGee


All That Heaven Allows (1955)

No one made movies quite like DOUGLAS SIRK, and ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS is one of his landmarks. Also featured: the first MIGHTY MOUSE cartoons.
by David McGee



Salt of the Earth (1954)

In 1954 a group of blacklisted filmmakers made the first blacklisted film in American history, SALT OF THE EARTH. Centered on a strike by Mexican-American workers in New Mexico, it is ever more timely now.
by David McGee


The Fiend Who Walked the West (1958)

ROBERT EVANS bid farewell to his acting career in THE FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST in grand, over-the-top style. Also featured: the surviving footage from GOLD DIGGERS OF BROADWAY 1929.
by David McGee



ECSTASY (1933)

ECSTASY, the film that made teen Hedy Kiesler notorious before she was HEDY LAMARR and inventing cell phone technology, plus an essential 1933 cartoon, MICKEY'S GALA PREMIER
by David McGee


LURED (1947)

LUCILLE BALL, GEORGE SANDERS, BORIS KARLOFF, GEORGE ZUCCO and CEDRIC HARDWICKE head a stellar ensemble cast in DOUGLAS SIRK's semi-comedic film noir gem from 1947.
by David McGee




WILLIAM DIETERLE directs this fine early '50s film noir starring WILLIAM HOLDEN, EDMOND O'BRIEN, ED BEGLEY and ALEXIS SMITH and L.A.'s Bunker Hill section. SHORT SUBJECT: DISNEY's 'TRICK OR TREAT.'
by David McGee