Being About an Instrument ‘At Once Familiar and Unknown’

In ART OF THE MANDOLIN, AVI AVITAL offers a perspective on 300 years of music composed specifically for his instrument of choice. A range of perspectives--via reviews, interviews and first-person observations-help explain the a...
by David McGee


The Deep Roots Elite Half-Hundred of 2019

Albums of the Year are not the only game in town. Here are 50 long players that made 2019 special for us.
by David McGee



The Many ‘Worlds’ of Mandolinist Extraordinaire Avi Avital

Israeli-born mandolinist AVI AVITAL is blurring the classical-folk lines anew with BETWEEN WORLDS, featuring the work of 'classical composers inspired by folk music.'
by David McGee


Nature as The Ultimate Matchmaker

THE NORTH WIND WAS A WOMAN, comprised of three intriguing chamber works by DAVID BRUCE, features stirring mandolin work by AVI AVITAL. Review by ROBERT HUGILL.
by David McGee