‘It is past time we wipe this stain of violence from our land’

REALITY CHECK--RFK on gun violence; Pete Seeger, 'Where Have All the Flowers Gone,' President Barack Obama on the Newtown school shootings
by David McGee


News & Notes

VoteVets.org takes issues with Mitt Romney's 'women in binders'; Lee Roy honored by ICM for inspirational song; John Fogerty rocks Canada, returns to studio to complete new album
by David McGee



Reality Check

On April 5, 1968, the day after MARTIN LUTHER KING's assassination, ROBERT F. KENNEDY addressed 'The Mindless Menace of Violence' in a speech in Cleveland that resonates ever louder in 2015, after Charleston.
by David McGee


Updike on Easter (2018 Edition)

The Deep Roots Easter tradition continues with the 2018 edition of "Updike on Easter: Seven Voices on 'Seven Stanzas," being a septet of opinions on the import of Updike's powerful poem.
by David McGee



Torn Between Two Bosses, Not Feeling Like a Fool

BOB AUSTIN and SID PARNES were partners as the owners of RECORD WORLD magazine but otherwise had no use for each other. As RW editor, MICHAEL SIGMAN had to get along with both.
by David McGee


Raymond Myles and the Rocky Road to Redemption

MICHAEL SIGMAN on the late New Orleans gospel icon RAYMOND MYLES and a documentarian's attempt to finish a film about Myles's tragically short life and timeless musical legacy.
by David McGee



Updike & Easter, 2014

Continuing our annual tradition, we present seven new voices commenting on the meaning and import of John Updike's oft-contemplated, much-debated poem, 'Seven Stanzas at Easter.'
by David McGee


‘Where Were You, Lord, When This Was Happening?’

A review of VICTOR LEE AUSTIN's moving 'Losing Susan: Brain Disease, The Priest's Wife and The God Who Gives and Takes Away; and an interview with the author.
by David McGee



Lyricist Yip Harburg’s Son Ernie: How My Dad Inspired Me to Become a Scientist (Part 1)

ERNIE HARBURG, son of the great lyricist YIP HARBURG, offers a two-part essay on life with father, and how father inspired son to become a scientist.
by David McGee


Thoughts on Passover

In 'Thoughts on Passover,' RABBIE STEPHEN LEWIS FUCHS reflects on this sacred occasion as a time 'to work for the day when all people everywhere are free of Pharaoh-like bondage and able to practice their religion freely.'
by David McGee



Hailing An American Treasure

From TheBluegrassSpecial.com's December 2010 issue, Chip Stern's insightful, impassioned missive concerning the life and music of Dave Brubeck on the occasion of the master's impending 90th birthday.
by David McGee


Jesse Winchester: Talk Memphis

JESSE WINCHESTER Tribute, Part 2: a Jesse monologue, his most extensive comments on his years in and abiding love for Memphis--'It was the world to me'--from an interview with Crossroads to Freedom.
by David McGee