The Ol’ Christmas Yin-Yang

GEORGE JONES & TAMMY WYNETTE cut only one Christmas single as a duo, but solo, each artist made worthwhile contributions to seasonal music. This Classic more than earns its title.
by David McGee


Hark the What? Ironies of a Beloved Carol

REV. MARK D. ROBERTS knows 'If you don’t want to tick people off, then don’t change the words of the hymns and carols.' As he explains, 'HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING' is a perfect example of this maxim.
by David McGee



‘A Wonderfully Grand Way to Hear the Familiar Carols’

For choral music lovers, two beautiful Christmas albums from British sources: CHRISTMAS FROM WORCESTER BY THE WORCESTER CATHEDRAL CHOIR and CHRISTMAS FROM SELWYN, with the CHAPEL CHOIR OF SELWYN COLLEGE.
by David McGee


Ought It Not To Be a Merry Christmas?

CHRISTMAS DURING THE CIVIL WAR: 'Even with all the sorrow that will forever hang, over so many households; ought it not to be, and is it not, a merry Christmas?'
by David McGee



‘Isn’t That a Lovely Thing?’

From his 1960 book MY FATHER, CHARLIE CHAPLIN, JR. remembers his father's 'ruthless determination for perfection' and its effect on the family when Chaplin pere was writing 'MODERN TIMES'
by David McGee


Saturn’s Titan Moon Gets a Dune ‘Makeover’

The craters of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, are being erased as they're filled with dunes of exotic hydrocarbon sand, complicating efforts to estimate the age of the planet's surface.
by David McGee



The Wonders of the Beggar’s Kingdom

With its 2012 album, The Wonders of the Beggar’s Kingdom, Lithuania's Sutaras went beyond cheery celebrations of its native land’s music and culture and addressed the reality of the outside world where most live in 'uncerta...
by David McGee


‘Knowing Happiness Without Restraints’

Descended from Hindustani musical royalty, ANANDI BHATTACHARYA makes an impressive international debut on JOYS ABOUND, a celebration of 'knowing happiness without restraints.'
by David McGee



‘Please Enjoy This Album. Or Don’t! Whatever.’

Does classical music drive loiterers out of public places? Studies say so, and violinist GIL SHAHAM is counting on his music to further the burgeoning trend on MUSIC TO DRIVE LOITERERS AWAY. He hopes everyone enjoys the album. ...
by David McGee


Feeling Nature’s Rhythms, Mystery and Spiritual Beauty

So Scottish composer/pianist ALEXANDER CHAPMAN CAMPBELL went for a long walk through Norway and lo! A beautiful album materialized...
by David McGee



Written In the Land

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of over 25,000 years of Aboriginal occupation within this area, and Kakadu's rock art (gunbim) represents the longest historical record of any group of people in the world
by David McGee


The Passionate Style

Italian composer, gambist, and singer Claudio Giovanni Monteverdi is often regarded as revolutionary in that his work marked the transition from the Renaissance style of music to that of the Baroque period. He developed two ind...
by David McGee