Surf in Verse

SURF IN VERSE: Our annual feature marking summer's arrival. This month we spotlight, exclusively, the poetry of BRYAN KNOWLES, who has posted a wealth of his original poetry at the website Surf Also: some choice SUR...
by David McGee


Swingin’ and A-Surfin’, All Summer Long

SUMMER BEACH PARTY offers 19 examples of the music featured in various Beach Party-style movies in the '60s. Not to worry--for every FRANKIE AVALON, there's two DICK DALES, or THE ASTRONAUTS, or JAN AND DEAN, or THE BEACH BOYS...
by David McGee



Surf in Verse: Summer’s Last Ride

One last ride on the big waves, in verse, with a soundtrack featuring THE ASTRONAUTS, THE BEACH BOYS, THE G-MEN, THE CHANTAYS and vintage surfing footage by DR. DON JAMES. Plus the earliest known surfing poem, from 1911.
by David McGee


Swingin’ and A-Surfin’, All Summer Long: Revisited

A fresh look at one of our 2014 summer picks, SUMMER BEACH PARTY, a collection of tunes from the beach movies of the '60s, with some curious omissions to account for.
by David McGee



Surf in Verse (2017 Edition)

Our annual roundup of poetry inspired by the surfing experience and largely written by surfers. The spirituality of the natural world comes alive in verse. With musical interludes to boot.
by David McGee