Recent Articles


‘The Point Is, You Can Go On A Musical Journey’

Celebrating 10 Years of Publishing: from archives, the November 2010 cover story interview with RAUL MALO
by David McGee


Feeling Nature’s Rhythms, Mystery and Spiritual Beauty

So Scottish composer/pianist ALEXANDER CHAPMAN CAMPBELL went for a long walk through Norway and lo! A beautiful album materialized...
by David McGee




On WE RISE UP, RAVEN AND RED confront all manner of romantic debacle and emerge undaunted. Attention must be paid to these young artists.
by David McGee


Staying the Course

On CARTER STANLEY'S EYES, PETER ROWAN journeys into his deepest roots in bluegrass and folk. That's what happens when you stick with it.
by David McGee



Knockout ‘Punch’

Marking our 10th anniversary in publishing, we begin a year-long retrospective of the 'greatest hits' from and Deep Roots
by David McGee


Feeling Nature’s Rhythms, Mystery and Spiritual Beauty

A sequence of nine evocative, often poignant solo piano pieces by the young Scottish composer/pianist Alexander Chapman Campbell, inspired by a walk through Norwegian mountains
by David McGee