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Remembering Annette: Trailblazer. Dig It.

Part 1 of a two-part tribute to ANNETTE FUNICELLO, who succumbed to multiple sclerosis on April 8,2013, but left behind an admirable catalogue of well-crafted pop songs every bit as cool as she was.
by David McGee


Wounded Knee Update: Auction Set for Oct. 1

An update on the fate of WOUNDED KNEE, plus an unforgettable letter to the editor in response to Jim Czywczysnki's attempt to sell the land. Also: the Yin and Yang of wind farms
by David McGee



Border Crossing, In Spite of It All

Can music help to break down the very borders Brexit seeks to impose? Herein, perhaps, is one answer, as artists from across Europe speak a common language about the human condition that politics cannot put asunder.
by David McGee


The ‘Superhuman’ Voice of Pauline Viardot

Pauline Garcia Viardot (1821-1910) was one of the 19th century’s most versatile and influential opera stars. In his book 'Musical Memories,' CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS provides the most in-depth profile extant of Mme. Viardot.
by David McGee



Country, Western & Madeleine

by David McGee


To Ride an Avalanche in Yosemite

At the turn of the 20th Century, naturist JOHN MUIR, never one to shirk a chance for first-person experience in the wild, rode an avalanche down a mountain Yosemite National Park. And lived to tell about it, as he does here.
by David McGee