Recent Articles


Places in The Heart

Find yourself in THE UNENDING ALTERATION OF THE HEART if you will, but GABRIELLE LOUISE is addressing herself in unvarnished interior monologues, leading by example in facing head-on hard truths about life, love and loss. Behol...
by David McGee


Dispatches From Solitude

Forced into isolation by the pandemic, JOHN McCUTCHEON began writing songs, and more songs, came up with a moving tribute to front line workers and to his friend John Prine, found some humor in his plight, and voila! CABIN FEVE...
by David McGee



Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That String!

Canada's THE SULTANS OF STRING and their guests put a new spin on the spirit of the season, but it's is still the spirit we’ve known for bringing good tidings of great joy. Dig the best Christmas album of the 2017 Yuletide se...
by David McGee


The Soft, The Warm, The Syncopated Yule

A trifecta of outstanding stocking stuffers for this--and every--Yuletide season: AMBER WEEKES's THE GATHERING; ROBERT PRESTA & ADRIANA SAMARGIA's FIRST SNOW; and RALLY 'ROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE, PARAGON RAGTIME ORCHESTRA
by David McGee



Exception To The Rule

Something's different about CARY MORIN as we hear him on his fine new album, DOCKSIDE SAINTS: It feels like he's pulling away from the pack.
by David McGee


Robert Hugill’s Classical Christmas Evergreens

ROBERT HUGILL'S CLASSICAL CHRISTMAS is a collection of must-read reviews of Classical Yuletide fare, from choral works to small vocal ensembles, as appraised by Mr. Hugill in Deep Roots from 2013 to the present day. All to make...
by David McGee