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Breathe Deep The Intoxicating Fragrance

Being unfamiliar with the first two self-released albums by the duo known as The Bergamot (native Indianans Jillian Speece of South Bend and Nathan Hoff of Michigan City), I will happily admit to being bowled over by everything...
by David McGee


The Heroic and Visionary Women of Passover

'At Passover, we must tell the stories of the women who played a crucial role in the Exodus narrative.' A reminder by JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG and RABBI LAUREN HOLTZBLATT
by David McGee



Fisk Jubilee Singers: From Whipping Post to Throne Room

The early struggles and ultimate triumph of the FISK JUBILEE SINGERS, as reported by JAMES M. TROTTER in his 1878 book profiling 'remarkable musicians of the colored race.' '
by David McGee


The Fiend Who Walked the West (1958)

ROBERT EVANS bid farewell to his acting career in THE FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST in grand, over-the-top style. Also featured: the surviving footage from GOLD DIGGERS OF BROADWAY 1929.
by David McGee



The Mythic Weight Of Phil Spector’s Christmas Gift: A Semicentennial Reflection

November 22, 1963, was a horrible day for the nation, and for PHIL SPECTOR, a personal disaster as well, as his ambitious Christmas album arrived and was promptly forgotten. A semicentennial look back ensues.
by David McGee


Rooting Around In a Wonder-ful Pig’s World

ESTHER THE WONDER PIG is a NY Times best selling author with 770,000 Facebook followers. DUNCAN STRAUSS brings home the bacon in an exclusive interview (not with Esther).
by David McGee