Recent Articles


Gabriella Barouch’s Art of Digital Illustration

Up-and-coming Israeli artist-illustrtor GABRIELLA BAROUCH was last year's 'Artist of the Season' for the Jerusalem Season of Culture. It's one of many honors she's racked up for her all-digital (even sketches) artwork.
by David McGee


When Patti Page Left Her Mark On Me

WHEN PATTI PAGE LEFT HER MARK ON ME: A sweet childhood memory of a chance encounter with Patti Page--radiant, with a scent of roses--in front of her parents' home in Tulsa. By David McGee
by David McGee



Synesius of Cyrene to Hypatia

What little we know about HYPATIA, of ancient Alexandria we know from the letters of her devoted student, SYNESIUS. Also: Hypatia on the moon.
by David McGee


Turn the Tide: Benefit Concert in NYC for Hurricane Sandy Victims

On Dec. 2 some stellar New York City working musicians are getting together for a benefit to aid victims of Hurricane Sandy. All the particulars are here.
by David McGee



Sometimes a Great Notion…

How a Goodyear Tire promotional ploy begat an essential Christmas music franchise of 16 years' duration.
by David McGee


Ought It Not To Be a Merry Christmas?

CHRISTMAS DURING THE CIVIL WAR: 'Even with all the sorrow that will forever hang, over so many households; ought it not to be, and is it not, a merry Christmas?'
by David McGee