Recent Articles


Bluegrass Speaks to The Moment

A bluegrass trifecta: three new albums, by DALE ANN BRADLEY, THE DILLARDS and PHIL LEADBETTER AND THE ALL STARS OF BLUEGRASS (featuring Steve Gulley) all speak to the moment, addressing a variety of current hot-button issues in...
by David McGee


To Ride an Avalanche in Yosemite

At the turn of the 20th Century, naturist JOHN MUIR, never one to shirk a chance for first-person experience in the wild, rode an avalanche down a mountain Yosemite National Park. And lived to tell about it, as he does here.
by David McGee



Music Connecting People, Wherever They May Be

BILLY ALTMAN on the FOLK ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL UNLOCKED FESTIVAL: 'a week of discovery of a lot of worthwhile music (and) a valuable reminder of the power of music to connect people, wherever they may be.'
by David McGee


Considering Historical Conflict & Conflicted History

JASON RINGENBERG offers a reckoning with history on his 18th solo album, RHINESTONED, featuring the Freedom Riders, Crazy Horse, Jesus Christ and, in spirit, Hank Williams, the Ozark Mountain Daredevils, the Carter Family and T...
by David McGee



Bob Marovich’s Gospel Picks

Female artists rule the day in BOB MAROVICH's latest Gospel picks of new albums by CHRYSANN MOORE, LATISHA JOHNSON MONTGOMERY, KATY CRAWFORD, GENETHEA WRIGHT, SAN FRANKLIN and SHALOM CHURCH & FRIENDS presemted by Dr. F. James C...
by David McGee


Abundant Love Before Breakfast

JANE PORTER's THE BOY WHO LOVED EVERYONE, illustrated by MAISIE PARADISE SHEARRING, offers valuable lessons to teach children about managing their emotions, as JULES explains. Also: "HERE COMES THE SUN," a short but welcome Spr...
by David McGee