Recent Articles


Of Ethereal, Poised Beauty

Film composer Richard Harvey's disc of highly evocative choral music in superb performances from two Baltic choirs, the LATVIAN RADIO CHOIR and the ESTONIAN PHILHARMONIC CHAMBER CHOIR
by David McGee


Going Mobile

Marty Raybon might well want to consider re-titling his album Southern Routes & Branches, given how many roads he travels in its dozen songs. To be clear, some of these roads he’s traveled before—nine of the songs are c...
by David McGee



‘Grass Is the Forgiveness of Nature—Her Constant Benediction’

In 1872 Kansas Sen. JOHN JAMES INGALLS, one of the U.S. Senate's most eloquent voices, praised the vitality of the tallgrass prairie in IN PRAISE OF BLUEGRASS--and he wasn't talking music.
by David McGee


Our Man Flint (1965)

Of all the spy spoofs cashing in on the James Bond craze in the '60s, OUR MAN FLINT, starring a winning JAMES COBURN, is arguably the best. Plus: 'Phony Pharmers' from THE DICK TRACY TV SHOW.
by David McGee



Paulie, Au Courant, Defying Time and Tide

Pure Paul McCartney, au courant, defying time and tide, towering over whomever would challenge his grandeur. Celebrate him now. David McGee reviews Paulie's self-curated 4-CD solo overview. Exit breathless.
by David McGee


Light In Shadow

An interview with SHULAMITT OTTOLENGHI about the 10-year journey that produced her powerful new CD, FOR YOU THE SUN WILL SHINE: SONGS OF WOMEN OF THE SHOAH
by David McGee