Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters



Inhabiting a World Between

On AURA, RUTH McGINLEY and NEIL MARTIN take ten traditional Irish tunes into new and hauntingly evocative territories.
by David McGee


Sevdah, From Mostar to the World

Sevdah, traditional folk music from Bosnia and Herzegovina given a modern spin by Mostar Sevdah Reunion and lead vocalist Antonija Batincv
by David McGee



The Pelican Warning

DUNCAN STRAUSS checks in with another scoop: an interview with DUNCAN P. FORGEY, author of FLYIN' KAI: A PELICAN'S TALE complete with a warning about climate change.
by David McGee


The Wolf in Its Own Clothing

ERICA BERRY's new book, WOLFISH, attempts to shed light on how the species is a stand-in for fear. Review by Mike Berry.l
by David McGee



Wherein Byzantine Chant Meets Sarum Liturgy

CAPPELLA ROMANA uses its 30th album to honor a little-known occasion when the Byzantine Emperor celebrated Christmas at the English court in Eltham, circa 1400 A.D.
by David McGee


Fisk Jubilee Singers: From Whipping Post to Throne Room

The early struggles and ultimate triumph of the FISK JUBILEE SINGERS, as reported by JAMES M. TROTTER in his 1878 book profiling 'remarkable musicians of the colored race.' '
by David McGee



The Land Remembers

A new biography resurrects the enduring achievements of conservation writer BERNARD DEVOTO and his activist wife AVIS.
by David McGee


Me and the Boss

MICHELLE EDWARDS's ME AND THE BOSS is subtitlted "A Story About Mending and Love." For young readers, it's so much more. Illustrations by APRIL HARRISON.
by David McGee



In Praise of Those Who Keep Christmas Well

Believe the Hype: Wherein we appraise four truly classic Christmas albums + one bonus, by ELLA FITZGERALD, PEGGY LEE, CHARLES BROWN, STAN KENTON & SIDNEY BECHET
by David McGee