Wasn’t That a Time?

In 1966 BOB DYLAN recorded BLONDE ON BLONDE in Nashville and the floodgates opened. A new double-CD collection documents some great music made in Nashville from the mid-'60s through the early '70s.
by David McGee


Beatles ’64: Surmounting Media Skeptics, Fab Four Carve Out a Career

THE BEATLES were greeted by a skeptical, sometimes dismissive mainstream media as Beatlemania broke out abroad. On Feb. 9, 1964, the Fab Four dismissed the naysayers. Plus: The Beat Alls on The PowerPuff Girls.
by David McGee



Channeling Beatles, In Rarified Air

In their first new CD since 2012, the HOT CLUB OF SAN FRANCISCO reimagines tunes by Lennon-McCartney and George Harrison in the gypsy jazz style of DJANGO REINHARDT.
by David McGee