Recent Articles


Saturn’s Rings in Daylight, On the Night Side

A spectacular view of Saturn's rings as photographed from the planet's nightside by the Cassini spacecraft on the Cassini Solstice Mission.
by David McGee



Celebrating the beauty and complexity of Autumn with a little help from our friend JOHN KEATS...
by David McGee



The String and The Source

On Néo, KAORU WATANABE celebrates 'going upward, connecting to the divine...the unity that binds us to something greater.' It's the master Taiko multi-instrumentalist/composer's finest hour.
by David McGee


The Throw of the Dice: Josquin’s ‘Missa Di Dadi’

With PETER PHILLIPS directing , THE TALLIS SCHOLARS return with their eleventh disc of JOSQUIN masses, a welcome release featuring two quirkly early masses, including 'Missa Di Dadi,' or 'The Dice Mass.'
by David McGee



Protecting All Creatures Great & Small

Imagine a politician that believes animals are citizens too, my friends, and are entitled to the rights and protections we enjoy as humans. Enter NJ State Senator Raymond J. Lesniak.
by David McGee


How Will Musicians Control Their Credits in the Digital Age?

ProMusicDB is a new organization dedicated to giving musicians past and present proper credit, and thus remuneration, for recording sessions they play on. ProMusic DB founder CHRISTY CROWL explains.
by David McGee