Recent Articles


A Great Storm in Utah

From his collections of essay published in 1819, JOHN MUIR recounts 'A Storm in Utah,' and proves himself as insightful about the 'salt Latter Days' as he is poetic about the forces of nature.
by David McGee


We Review Roger Ebert

Remembering ROGER EBERT, a three-part tribute, including his Great Movies: The First 100 list & a tribute to Beneath the Valley of the Dolls
by David McGee



The Romantic

WILLIE NELSON returns at his best on LET'S FACE THE MUSIC AND DANCE, a torch album chronicling a bruised but not broken romantic's tumultuous journey of the heart.
by David McGee


Seven Questions Over Breakfast with Klaas Verplancke

JULES's latest virtual breakfast is with noted illustrator KLAAS VERPLANCKE, whose art is described by a fellow illustrator as 'strange, yet strangely comforting. Beautifully crafted, and beautifully bonkers.'
by David McGee



The Deep Roots Elite Half-Hundred of 2018, Pt. 2

Continuing the Elite Half-Hundred of 2018 with JUNIOR SISK, SARAH BORGES, SISTER SADIE, et al.
by David McGee



From her 100 videos in 100 days project, Christine Santelli performs ‘Old’. Ms. Santelli’s 2012 album, Dragonfly, was a Deep Roots Album of the Year honoree.
by David McGee