Recent Articles


Revenge of the Band Geeks

The next time you hear anyone disparage or mock school marching bands, please, first, call them to account for the disrespect they show for what it takes to be part of a good marching band; and second, direct their attention to...
by David McGee


Gospel News & Notes – September 2012

Remembering recently departed gospel notables Willa Ward-Royster of the Ward Singers, Gladys Beamon Gregory and Andre Lester Mobley; plus Trin-I-Tee 5:7 and Music World have parted ways.
by David McGee



Turn The World Around

The 'west' of MARTY STUART AND HIS SUPERLATIVES' provocative WAY OUT WEST is as much metaphysical as geographical, despite nods to the likes of Dick Dale...
by David McGee


Written In the Land

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of over 25,000 years of Aboriginal occupation within this area, and Kakadu's rock art (gunbim) represents the longest historical record of any group of people in the world
by David McGee



Reflections on Barry Lopez

TERRY TEMPEST WILLIAMS honors her friend, the late, great nature writer BARRY LOPEZ
by David McGee


Wasn’t That a Time?

In 1966 BOB DYLAN recorded BLONDE ON BLONDE in Nashville and the floodgates opened. A new double-CD collection documents some great music made in Nashville from the mid-'60s through the early '70s.
by David McGee