To The Birthday Bard, Ever Young at 450

Commemorating Shakespeare's 450th birthday, the ULSTER ORCHESTRA, under the direction of conductor JoAnn Falletta, offers two timeless Bard-related compositions by JOHN KNOWLES PAINE.
by David McGee


The Deep Roots Yuletide Baedeker v2022

It's back! The Deep Roots 2022 Yuletide Baedeker is updated and ready for prime time.
by David McGee



Softly, As She Leaves Us

Style and Substance: Remembering EYDIE GORME + a potpourri of her essential recordings
by David McGee


Spring in Verse

Spring cannot arrive too soon, and we anticipate its arrival in verse from SHAKESPEARE, EMILY DICKINSON, WILLIAM WORDSWORTH and other, and in song from MARK O'CONNOR, VIVALDI et al.
by David McGee



The Cautionary Tale of Jenny Wren

From his last published novel, Our Mutual Friend, comes the tale of Jenny Wren, a character Dickens uses to illustrate the damage adult alcoholics inflict on their offspring. Vividly drawn, altogether unforgettable, and the ins...
by David McGee


Ghost Forest

RON HUNTER, founder/editor of Nature, recently found a much different scene than he had anticipated when he encountered 'a self-healing natural cycle in the red fir-lodgepole pine forests of the Sierra Nevada.'
by David McGee



Investigating Stellar Shrapnel

Thousands of years ago, 160 light years away from Earth, a star exploded, scattering stellar shrapnel across the sky. The Hubble Space Telescope recently found evidence of the event.
by David McGee


Transcending Avant-Garde Boundaries

On the rediscovered gem Bílé Inferno, Czech artists Iva Bittová and Vladimír Václavek transcend the avant-garde with music emanating from physical and emotional ecosystems.
by David McGee



The Wind of the Book

Marking her tenth year of blogging, JULES offers informed insights into ANNE HERBAUT's award winning (in the author's native France) WHAT COLOR IS THE WIND?
by David McGee


Sustainable Agriculture News

Eat to lower your risk of dementia; the virtues of the ancient Pongmia tree; bee-friendly team advances pro-pollinator policy; growing food in your own home.
by David McGee



The Deep Roots Yuletide Baedeker 2023

So many good things inside--behold the YULETIDE BAEDEKER 2023 edition. All the Christmas you could want!
by David McGee


A Classic Restored

Long unavailable on these shores in CD form, a Christmas classic from GLEN CAMPBELL, 1968's THAT CHRISTMAS FEELING, has finally been reissued by Capitol Nashville. Noel!
by David McGee