Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters



Ryan to Tribes: Drop Dead; Obama Disagrees, Shows Them the Money

Lunatic PAUL RYAN wants to decimate the budget for Indian Health Services. Pushback is coming from PRESIDENT OBAMA, whose Fiscal 2015 Budget expands IHS services and funds other opportunities for Native Americans.
by David McGee


Feeling the Spirit, Orcas Circle Ferry as It Carries Native Artifacts to Ancestral Home

When a ferry showed up in Puget Sound carrying Native artifacts to the Burke Museum in Seattle, nearly three dozen orcas escorted it safely to the terminal. Coincidence, or feeling the spirit?
by David McGee



The Kiowas’ Sacred Longhorn Mountain Under Siege in Oklahoma

In southwest Oklahoma the LONGHORN MOUNTAIN, sacred site to the Kiowa people, is in jeopardy of being turned to rubble by a gravel mining operation. Mining has stalled but the threat remains.
by David McGee


Wounded Knee Update: Auction Set for Oct. 1

An update on the fate of WOUNDED KNEE, plus an unforgettable letter to the editor in response to Jim Czywczysnki's attempt to sell the land. Also: the Yin and Yang of wind farms
by David McGee



For Sale: Wounded Knee; Johnny Depp, Grandstander; Chief Red Cloud, 93, Walks On

WOUNDED KNEE for sale? JOHNNY DEPP grandstands about buying it and returning it to the Tribe, but it's only noise; remembering CHIEF OLIVER RED CLOUD
by David McGee