Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters



Death by Black Hole in a Small Galaxy?

A bright, long duration flare may be the first recorded event of a black hole destroying a star in a dwarf galaxy. Two independent studies indicate 'death by a black hole.' reports.
by David McGee


From the Archives, Rare and Timeless Classic Gospel

2013 was a good year for gospel music, for new and established artists alike, and especially for some gospel pioneers whose groundbreaking work is back in print on three essential reissues.
by David McGee



Bob Marovich’s Gospel Picks — January 2014

Catching up with some key new releases from late 2013 by TWINKIE CLARK, THE BROOKLYN ALL STARS, THE TEMPLE OF DELIVERANCE WOMEN'S CHOIR and others.
by David McGee


A 2nd Chance for Orphaned Pets

Pets orphaned by their deceased or ill owners are an at-risk group. AMY SHEVER, founder of 2nd CHANCE 4 PETS, is about making sure these animals don't wind up discarded in shelters.
by David McGee



Charlie Chaplin on Filmmaking

'Simplicity of approach is always best': So says CHARLIE CHAPLIN in an excerpt from his autobiography in which he offers his thoughts on the art of filmmaking
by David McGee


A Soul Man Exits, With Love

AIN'T NO MORE LOVE IN THIS HOUSE is the last will and testament on record by classic soul singer LOU PRIDE, who died before its release last year. He went out in grand style, though.
by David McGee



The Kid (1921)

Marking the 125th anniversary of CHARLIE CHAPLIN's birth, Deep Roots Theater presents his 1921 masterpiece, THE KID, starring Chaplin as the Tramp and 7-year-old JACKIE COOGAN as the Child.
by David McGee


Frédéric Chopin: ‘Sublimity Through Sweet Sounds’

From his turn-of-the-20th-century travels, ELBERT HUBBARD chronicles a visit to the home of composer Frédéric Chopin and uncovers a link to American novelist STEPHEN CRANE.
by David McGee



The Poetry, and The Poet, Within

One of the finest bluegrass singer-songwriters extant, DONNA ULISSE pays homage to the artists that inspired her on SHOWIN' MY ROOTS.
by David McGee