Kicking It Up a Notch (or Two, or…)

KENNY 'BLUES BOSS' WAYNE comes out rockin' and rarely lets up on GO, JUST DO IT! In a tour de force performance, the Piano Hall of Fame inductee offers 10 original songs and terrific covers of two PERCY MAYFIELD tunes and a JJ ...
by David McGee


Bobby Sharp, Heart Unchained

Remembering BOBBY SHARP, who passed away on January 28. Sharp wrote Ray Charles's #1 R&B/#9 pop hit of 1962, the classic 'Unchain My Heart.'
by David McGee



‘The Cry of Anguished Protest, The First of Many Wrought From Me’

From The Bluegrass Special archives: an updated feature on the enigma that was the late BEVERLY KENNEY: Her voice was soft and cool, her eyes were clear and bright, but she's not there.
by David McGee


Special Delivery

The U.S. Postal Service has honored RAY CHARLES with a Forever stamp, and Concord has marked the occasion with an interesting anthology, FOREVER.
by David McGee



‘It’s Time to Shine’: An Interview With Ivy Ford

IVY FORD, riding a wave of acclaim for her 2020 album Club 27 (a Deep Roots Album of the Year), sits down for an interview conducted by LINDA CAIN, founder/managing editor of the essential CHICAGO BLUES GUIDE.
by David McGee