Do You Believe in Magic?

A recently unveiled 45-year-old tape recorded in a tiny Milwaukee club in 1968 gives us a powerhouse live performance by MAGIC SAM in prime-time mode, both in voice and with his guitar, on LIVE AT THE AVANT GARDE.
by David McGee


A Stop at Theresa’s

It was Junior Wells’s return to the Delmark fold; it was the titan Otis Spann’s last recording session. Buddy Guy was on guitar, Fred Below on drums. The spirit was that of Theresa's Lounge. Stop by.
by David McGee



It’s Life, Y’know

It's the centennial year of MUDDY WATERS's birth, and two new tributes mark that special occasion: MUDDY WATERS 100, featuring contemporary Muddy acolytes, and the DVD, BLUES SUMMIT IN CHICAGO, 1974
by David McGee