Gabriella Barouch’s Art of Digital Illustration

Up-and-coming Israeli artist-illustrtor GABRIELLA BAROUCH was last year's 'Artist of the Season' for the Jerusalem Season of Culture. It's one of many honors she's racked up for her all-digital (even sketches) artwork.
by David McGee


Springing Into Spring with Leslie Evans

Spring has sprung, and so has some fine new work by illustrator LESLIE EVANS, in Carole Gerber's new book, Spring Blossoms. Stop in as JULES chats with Leslie and shows off her latest seasonal illustrations.
by David McGee



From the Desk of Intern Susan:

The story of JEMMY BUTTON, one of the oddest true tales of the 19th century, is the subject of a new children's book. Co-illustrator JENNIFER UMAN discusses the work.
by David McGee


Bryan Collier’s Trombone Shorty Moment

TROMBONE SHORTY is releasing a picture book autobiography next month, with superb illustrations by BRYAN COLLIER. JULES has the lowdown, and some pics.
by David McGee



The Final Breakfast: 
Sophie Blackall on Farmhouse

JULES hosts her final Seven Impossible Things breakfast, with author SOPHIE BLACKALL who tells of a 'falling-down house' that yielded the unexpected treasures she ruminates on in FARMHOUSE.
by David McGee


Dadaji’s Paintbrush: A Thing of Beauty

In which JULES hails ‘Dadaji’s Paintbrush,’ an open-hearted and tender intergenerational story of a boy and his grandfather in India, as ‘a thing of beauty’
by David McGee