Turn The World Around

The 'west' of MARTY STUART AND HIS SUPERLATIVES' provocative WAY OUT WEST is as much metaphysical as geographical, despite nods to the likes of Dick Dale...
by David McGee


Surf in Verse, 2021 Edition

Return to one of our most popular summer features, SURF IN VERSE, four evocative poems about the surf experience. This year's edition includes the oldest known surfing poem, THE SONG OF THE SURF, circa 1867, by ADAM LINDSAY GORDON
by David McGee



The One True Gidget

From TheBluegrassSpecial.com archives, an exclusive interview with the real GIDGET, KATHY KOHNER, whose father turned his daughter's surfing exploits into a '50s cultural phenomenon in a series of best selling novels.
by David McGee


Surf in Verse

Five choice poems by surfers about the spiritual experience of riding the waves, being at one with nature. Surf music interludes by DICK DALE, JAN AND DEAN, THE FOUR SEASONS, TAKESHI TERAUCHI & THE BUNNYS.
by David McGee



Surf in Verse — June 2014

Riding the waves has inspired some surfers to break out in verse to explain their connection to the waves and Mother Earth. Dick Dale and the Del-Tones provide the soundtrack.
by David McGee