Recent Articles


‘Where Do I Start and Where Do You Begin?’

Hailing from Portland, Oregon, singer-songwriter HOLLY ANN has produced a deeply moving meditation on faith in her second album, LIGHT AND BLOOM. BOB MAROVICH provides the review.
by David McGee


She’ll Take You There

Celebrate MAVIS STAPLES: Feb. 26 sees the release of her new album, Feb. 29 sees the HBO debut of a new documentary about her life and tiimes, MAVIS!, produced and directed by JESSICA EDWARDS.
by David McGee



Beyond Arcady and Bethlehem

A must-hear event for choral music lovers: ONLY A SINGING BIRD by the NATIONAL GIRLS CHOIR of Scotland, with sensitively rendered songs by MICHAEL HEARD and others.
by David McGee


Sustainable Agriculture News

Report: Missouri has a serious food insecurity problem; Oregonian TARA WHITSETT is preaching the gospel of 'empowerment and preservation through fermentation.'
by David McGee



Always Magic In the Air

Delmark has reissued BLACK MAGIC, the MAGIC SAM BLUES BAND's stellar followup to its acclaimed WEST SIDE STORY. Magic is indeed in the air.
by David McGee


An Octopus Opus More Gripping Than Eight Tentacles

An essential interview with SY MONTGOMERY, author of THE SOUL OF AN OCTOPUS. You'll get sucked in.
by David McGee