Recent Articles


The Kiowas’ Sacred Longhorn Mountain Under Siege in Oklahoma

In southwest Oklahoma the LONGHORN MOUNTAIN, sacred site to the Kiowa people, is in jeopardy of being turned to rubble by a gravel mining operation. Mining has stalled but the threat remains.
by David McGee


NASA Mission Reveals Speed of Solar Wind Stripping Martian Atmosphere

NASA's MAVEN has produced data enabling researchers to determine the rate at which the Martian atmosphere is losing gas to space via solar wind.
by David McGee



Timeless Topics: Home and Spring

A double-shot of 7 Imp this time around: in 'A NEW HOME,' we see 'the common humanity in two cultures on two different spots in the map'; and in BLOOM BOOM! we celebrate the flowering, if you will, of spring!
by David McGee


Dailey & Vincent & The L Word

Bluegrass superstars DAILEY & VINCENT return to the rock-solid traditional bluegrass that brung 'em to the dance, and they've got a concept going too. Read on...
by David McGee



Christmas Picks 2012 Roots Christmas Picks for 2012 include new seasonal outpourings from DONNA ULISSE, EDIE ADAMS, DALLAS WIND SYMPHONY, HEY ROSETTA, THE JAY UNGAR & MOLLY MASON FAMILY BAND, DEATH MIGHT BE YOUR SANTA C...
by David McGee


Those Mean Woman Blues

A stomping groove, a steely, slice-and-dice guitar attack and a growling vocal greet listeners to CHRIS LORD & CHEATIN' RIVER's CHUNKABILLY BLUES, and this Seattle-based power trio never lets up from there.
by David McGee