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A Classic Animated Christmas

From the vaults, classics indeed: 1939's 'Peace on Earth,' the only cartoon ever nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize; from 1913, Ladislas Starevitch's pioneering and amazing stop-motion animated 'The Insects' Revenge' (plus a pr...
by David McGee


Let the Hard Times Roll…

It's always a good year for the blues when JOHN PRIMER surfaces on record. His latest, TOUGH TIMES is one of his finest.
by David McGee



Curiosity Rover Delivers Billion-Pixel View of Mars

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover delivers the first gigapixel image from the Red Planet's surface in a panoramic view that captures actual Mars lighting conditions.
by David McGee


NASA’s Fermi Discovers the Most Extreme Blazars Yet

NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has identified the farthest gamma-ray blazars, a type of galaxy whose intense emissions are powered by supersized black holes.
by David McGee



A Great Storm in Utah

From his collections of essay published in 1819, JOHN MUIR recounts 'A Storm in Utah,' and proves himself as insightful about the 'salt Latter Days' as he is poetic about the forces of nature.
by David McGee


Sweet November (1968)

In DEEP ROOTS THEATER, ANTHONY NEWLEY and SANDY DENNIS star in one of 1968's great date movies, SWEET NOVEMBER, a bonafide multi-hanky romance with a tragic underpinning and a challenge to conventional notions of relationships....
by David McGee