Recent Articles


Akiko Miyakoshi: Pure Magic

In this installment, JULES waxes properly rhapsodic about author-illustrator AKIKO MIYAKOSHI's new book, THE TEA PARTY IN THE WOODS: 'The visuals are pure magic.'
by David McGee


She’ll Take You There

Celebrate MAVIS STAPLES: Feb. 26 sees the release of her new album, Feb. 29 sees the HBO debut of a new documentary about her life and tiimes, MAVIS!, produced and directed by JESSICA EDWARDS.
by David McGee



Spring in Verse

Spring cannot arrive too soon, and we anticipate its arrival in verse from SHAKESPEARE, EMILY DICKINSON, WILLIAM WORDSWORTH and other, and in song from MARK O'CONNOR, VIVALDI et al.
by David McGee


Softly and Tenderly. Pass It On.

MARIE LACEY's new album is a scintillating mix of southern gospel and African-American gospel songs frequently adopted by southern gospel singers.
by David McGee



Where Hearts Beat as One

On their new album, FASTER AND FARTHER, DARIN and BROOKE ALDRIDGE are metaphorically flying on a collection of songs about love and loss, including IAN TYSON's 'Someday Soon.'
by David McGee


‘When You Worship More, You Worry Less’

One of gospel's best selling artists,JAMES FORTUNE and his group FIYA have enjoyed a #1 run with their new double-CD album, LIVE THROUGH IT. Fortune's most popular songs focus on overcoming hardships, and he explains why in an ...
by David McGee