Galen Clark

The Yosemite Valley's first Guardian, GALEN CLARK taught others about the mysteries of the giant sequoias and worked tirelessly to protect Yosemite. In his book THE YOSEMITE, JOHN MUIR told Clark's story.
by David McGee


Letter to a Friend

In 1868, JOHN MUIR, then a University of Wisconsin student, wrote to his 'spiritual mother' to tell her of his recent travels and his growing devotion to a joyous and reverent communion with Nature.
by David McGee



To Ride an Avalanche in Yosemite

At the turn of the 20th Century, naturist JOHN MUIR, never one to shirk a chance for first-person experience in the wild, rode an avalanche down a mountain Yosemite National Park. And lived to tell about it, as he does here.
by David McGee