Deep Roots Magazine

Deep Roots Magazine

Roots Music and Meaningful Matters

Recent Articles


Peter Rowan Honors ‘Old School’ Bluegrass on 2013 Release

Bluegrass legend PETER ROWAN is in the studio with an inter-gernerational lineup of musicians recording his new album, The Old School, for a spring 2013 release. Session details and a teaser video from Compass Records comprise ...
by David McGee


No Down Payment (1957)

In 1957 director MARTIN RITT shattered the facade of bucolic suburban life in post-war America in his lost classic, NO DOWN PAYMENT. TONY RANDALL, JOANNE WOODWARD and PAT HINGLE lead an excellent cast. Plus two obscure Popeye-r...
by David McGee



Rewarding and Unpredictable: An Appreciation of Elliott Carter (1908-2012)

ELLIOTT CARTER: AN APPRECIATION--America's greatest living composer died on November 5 at the age of 103. Herewith an appreciation of this visionary's rewarding and unpredictable music.
by David McGee


Chuck Yeager Struts The Right Stuff At 89

This week, 89-year-old nonpareil badass Gen. Chuck Yeager, the first person to break the sound barrier, recreated his historic achievement of Oct. 14, 1947 on that very day in 2012. The right stuff indeed.
by David McGee



Beatles ’64: Surmounting Media Skeptics, Fab Four Carve Out a Career

THE BEATLES were greeted by a skeptical, sometimes dismissive mainstream media as Beatlemania broke out abroad. On Feb. 9, 1964, the Fab Four dismissed the naysayers. Plus: The Beat Alls on The PowerPuff Girls.
by David McGee


Soothing Music in a Troubled Time

Self-released and Kickstarter funded, Hawaii's PACIFIC HARP PROJECT quartet has reimagined works by revered composers such as RAVEL and DEBUSSY, and added scintillating originals to the mix.
by David McGee



Sustainable Agriculture News

Sustainable Agriculture newswire: 'Ag of the Middle' is polarizing production; on the edge of Phoenix, a small-scale farmer, MAYA DAILEY, is spurring a local food movement; in Minnesota, an expanding program is providing childc...
by David McGee


An Imaginative Exploration of The Sound-World of The Early Celtic Church

Music composer ROBERT HUGILL's review leads this appraisal of a fascinating, haunting new album exploring the sound of the early Celtic church.
by David McGee