Andrew Oldham: Stone Free At Last

ANDREW OLDHAM, the svelte, shadowy figure who guided the Rolling Stones from London's blues clubs to international infamy, has published the third volume of his memoirs, STONE FREE. MICHAEL SIGMAN tracks him down.
by David McGee


Video Moment of the Week

NU-BLU releases the third video from its tenth anniversary album, titled Ten. 'Without a Kiss,' a sensitive ballad addressed to a departed spouse, elicits one of Carolyn Routh's most affecting vocals.
by David McGee



Turning 65 with ‘Crazy’

As his 65th birthday looms, contributing editor MICHAEL SIGMAN reflects on a classic song his father, CARL SIGMAN, wrote in 1949, 'Crazy He Calls Me.' It, like Michael, has led a charmed life.
by David McGee


A Tribute to B.B. King

Remembering B.B.: The making of the King of the Blues's 1981 Grammy winning album THERE MUST BE A BETTER WORLD SOMEWHERE with songs by DOC POMUS and DR. JOHN
by David McGee



Singing the Travels: Imani Uzuri Finds the Bold Heart and Global Soul of Home on The Gypsy Diaries

The mysterious figure on the moonlit railway platform, the passersby on the dusty road are not strangers; they are friends and fellow travelers. And to stunning vocalist and thoughtful, globally inspired composer Imani Uzuri, t...
by David McGee


Cleotha Staples, 78, Is Called Home

Remembering CLEOTHA STAPLES, Pops Staples' firstborn child and a vital element in the Staple Singers' success. Afflicted with Alzheimer's, Ms. Staples died in her Chicago home on Feb. 21.
by David McGee



How to Win Charts and Alienate People

In this two-part excerpt from his memoir, JUST REMEMBER: FIELD NOTES FROM A MUSIC BIZ LIFE, MICHAEL SIGMAN recalls the fallout from Record World's decision to publish sales-based charts, and how The Who changed the magazine's f...
by David McGee


Remembering ‘The Undefeated Champion,’ Herman Johnson

In a Deep Roots exclusive, MARK O'CONNOR offers a warm reminiscence of one of his fiddling mentors, HERMAN JOHNSON, who passed away on Jan. 20 at age 94.
by David McGee



Knockout ‘Punch’

Marking our 10th anniversary in publishing, we begin a year-long retrospective of the 'greatest hits' from and Deep Roots
by David McGee


‘It is past time we wipe this stain of violence from our land’

REALITY CHECK--RFK on gun violence; Pete Seeger, 'Where Have All the Flowers Gone,' President Barack Obama on the Newtown school shootings
by David McGee



Brooklyn, Blintzes, Baseball and Ballads With Johnny Mercer (Field Notes From a Music Biz Life)

In chapters 6 and 7 of his memoirs, MICHAEL SIGMAN recalls his father CARL SIGMAN's songwriting apprenticeship with JOHNNY MERCER and how the rocky course of his adolescent years seemed to parallel his dad's hit songs.
by David McGee


Sail On, Friend, Sail On

PHILIP CHEVRON, guitarist-songwriter for THE POGUES, lost his battle with cancer on Oct. 8. Herewith a friend reflects on the remarkable heart that made this Irish bard someone special indeed.
by David McGee